So my company has a new name
Coaching Business Owners at Key Transitions
Many business owners, members of the Baby Boomer generation, will be considering transition over the next few years - selling their business and moving into the 'next phase' of their lives - maybe a 'meaningful, productive' retirement, maybe starting a new business or a myriad of other choices.
To make a successful transition every business owner has to address - and successfully resolve - several questions:
• Will I sell my business to my associates (internal) or to an outside owner?
• If an internal sale, are my people prepared? Do they have the skills to run the business and the money to buy it?
• Have I started my transition in time to make it work on my timetable?
• What will I do in the next phase of my life that will give me satisfaction and fulfillment?
My focus is working with business owners - a distinct group with which I have had considerable experience, both as an owner and in my consulting practice over the last 21 years.
I’ve seen too many business owners ‘held on too long’ getting ‘trapped’ in a declining business that bled their life investment. And it was too late to get out ‘on top.’
Success depends upon making decisions early and developing a transition strategy with plenty of time ' to make it happen.' That's where I can help.
Making a successful transition involves three key actions:
- Choose your personal future
- Decide your company’s future
- Make a successful transition
For an in-depth understanding of my new direction I invite you to visit my revised web site at:
If all this piques your interest, I'll welcome a chance to explore how I can help you.
in their Careers and Lives.
Many business owners, members of the Baby Boomer generation, will be considering transition over the next few years - selling their business and moving into the 'next phase' of their lives - maybe a 'meaningful, productive' retirement, maybe starting a new business or a myriad of other choices.
To make a successful transition every business owner has to address - and successfully resolve - several questions:
• Will I sell my business to my associates (internal) or to an outside owner?
• If an internal sale, are my people prepared? Do they have the skills to run the business and the money to buy it?
• Have I started my transition in time to make it work on my timetable?
• What will I do in the next phase of my life that will give me satisfaction and fulfillment?
My focus is working with business owners - a distinct group with which I have had considerable experience, both as an owner and in my consulting practice over the last 21 years.
I’ve seen too many business owners ‘held on too long’ getting ‘trapped’ in a declining business that bled their life investment. And it was too late to get out ‘on top.’
Success depends upon making decisions early and developing a transition strategy with plenty of time ' to make it happen.' That's where I can help.
Making a successful transition involves three key actions:
- Choose your personal future
- Decide your company’s future
- Make a successful transition
For an in-depth understanding of my new direction I invite you to visit my revised web site at:
If all this piques your interest, I'll welcome a chance to explore how I can help you.